Sunday, August 4, 2019

Ranger and Lily snuggling I thought cats and dogs were enemies ?.

kittens grown up

Earlier in my blogs I posted some pictures of the kittens after they were born but now they're all grown up. this is Jade

We gave away 2 kittens named Opal and Jewel. This is Jasper nicknamed Jazzie.

here is mama pearl watching her kittens

The kittens are now 3 months old. This is sapphire nicknamed Sapphie.
We named all the kittens after gemstones cause their mamas name pearl

big creepy crawlies

Polyphemus moth caterpillar .

It is about 2 inches.

Longhorn beetle grub.

It's about 3 inches.


It's about 3 inches long a wingspan of 4 inches. 

Would not want to be bit by her. her jaws can strech out to be 1 inch yikes.
I did'nt take this picture but I had to put it on here. This is a male Dobsonfly .


This is Ember the leopard gecko.

Ember smells with her tongue.

Leopard geckos walk like crocodiles.

She likes sleeping in towels. One time she was sleeping in one and my mom picked it up and she was running lose for about 5 minutes : )

Ember is shedding her skin